The colloquium is organized jointly with the Study Program BeCog. It provides a platform for PhD Students to discuss their research with a broader audience.More information and the schedule for the summer semester 2024 can be found here.
Guest Speaker (RTG 2070 Colloquium)
- Mitja Back (University of Münster)
The social relations model: Understanding personality and social relationships
Date: May, 10th 2023, 2:30 p.m., Kellnerweg 4, Seminarraum (E0.14) - Multifunktionsgebäude, EG
- Rowena Garcia (MPI for Psycholinguistics)
Increasing language coverage while building a more diverse discipline: A challenge
for language acquisition
Date: May, 10th 2023, 2:30 p.m., Waldweg 26 Room 9.101
- Katarzyna Pisanski (University of Lyon 2)
Human nonverbal vocal communication: from form to function
Date: December, 7th 2023, 4:15 p.m., Waldweg 26 Room 9.101
Career Café
The Career Café/Lunch & Learn is organized to give students insights into possible job options. Invited speakers will report about their experience and describe their everyday work life. After the talk at the Career Café, all participants are invited to an informal coffee break to get in contact with the speaker in more detail. At the Lunch & Learn, all participants are invited to have lunch while talking to the speaker in more detail.- From Research to conservation – insights into resolving human-wildlife conflict - Sonja Luwdig (Species and Habitats Officer, RSPB, Lancaster)
Date: January, 29, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
Location: Deutsches Primatenzentrum, Kellnerweg 4, 37077 Göttingen, Seminarraum - Multifunktionsgebäude, EG
- Insights into Biotech Consulting, Corporate Communications and Investor Relations - Anca Ammon (Freelance consultant I Ammon Communications )
Date: November, 27, 2023, 3:00 p.m.
Location: Deutsches Primatenzentrum, Kellnerweg 4, 37077 Göttingen, Seminarraum - Multifunktionsgebäude, EG
- Insights into organizational consulting - Mathias Kesting (Alumni, University of Göttingen)
Date: March, 6, 2023, 15.00 p.m.
Location: Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute (GEMI), Goßlerstraße 14, 37073 Göttingen, room 1.110
- Developing your career and yourself as an (interdisciplinary) researcher - Dr. Fabiola Gerpott
Date: November 10th, 2022 12.30 a.m.
Location: Goßlerstraße 14, room nr. 1.140
- Insights into Science Management from a non-native German perspective - Dr. Derya Nuhbalaoglu
Date: December 9th, 2020 3.30 p.m.
Location: via video conference tool
- Insights into working as a Data Scientist - Dr. Florian Kornrumpf
Date: September 23rd, 2020 2 p.m.
Location: via video conference tool
- Press and Public Relations - Dr. Nina Mainz (DFG)
Date: October 24th, 2019, 13:30 p.m.
Location: Seminar room E0.14, DPZ, Kellnerweg 4
- Insights into a nature / wildlife film production company - Dr. Petra Löttker (DPZ - Alumni)
Date: November 15th, 2018, 4 p.m.
Location: Seminar room E0.14, DPZ, Kellnerweg 4
- Insights into Science Management - Dr. Christine Haunhorst (BeCog - Alumni, University of Mainz)
Date: February 28th, 2018, 3.30 p.m.
Location: Seminar room E0.14, DPZ, Kellnerweg 4
- Insights into Science Journalism - Dr. Lennart Pyritz (DPZ - Alumni)
Date: September 7th, 2018
Location: Seminar room E0.14, DPZ, Kellnerweg 4
funded by the
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![DFG Logo](/storage/pictures/27e5ef40d35a96fbf1d47b1839619673.jpg)