PD Dr. Walter Goetz
Walter Goetz received his Ph.D. in planetary physics (with focus on the planet Mars) from Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2002. His PhD. thesis was about the physical, optical and magnetic properties of Martian dust. For many years he has been working on Mars landed missions (Mars Pathfinder 1997, Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit & Opportunity 2003-2008, Phoenix Mars lander 2008, Curiosity rover since 2011) and on the analysis of scientific data returned by these missions. He is particularly interested in the comparative study of Earth and Mars and their geochemical evolution in deep time.Short Curriculum
Since 2013 Lecturer at University of Göttingen
Since 2004 Research scientist at Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), Göttingen
1994 - 2004 Ph.D. & post-doctoral position at Univ. of Copenhagen
1992 - 1994 Research affiliate at the Oersted Laboratory, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark
1987 - 1992 Master studies of physics/chemistry at Universities Paris VI & Paris XI, France
1984 - 1986 Bachelor of chemistry at University of Freiburg i. Br., Germany
Nov. 2011: NASA-selected Participating Scientist in the Curiosity rover Science Team
Current Projects
Exploration of Gale crater, Mars, by the Curiosity rover:
Constrain geochemical processes on early Mars through trace element distribution.
Characterize iron and chondritic meteorites in Gale crater by LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy). Projects supported by DFG GO 2288/1-1 & 2-1.
Raman geothermometry:
Alpine metamorphic peak temperature profile through the Eastern Alps based on Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material
Modul B.Geo.110: Geowissenschaftliches Seminar (since 2009)
Lectures about planetary surfaces (Solar System School, 2015-2021)
Publications (Peer Reviewed Only)