FIT Career Events

Do you have great ideas to improve your community and the world but aren’t sure how to communicate them convincingly? Or maybe you need some practice before that internship interview?

In this personal communication workshop led by Ariel Ackermann, Europe Regional Manager for Millennium Campus Network, you’ll learn frameworks and tips to become confident in your public speaking, while also getting the chance to put your skills to the test by networking with other impact-oriented students. We’ll especially focus on how to tell your story and showcase your skills, two important skills for applying to for leadership roles such as being a Campus Director for the Millennium Fellowship.

Online Workshop

Languages: English

Date: 16.04.2025, 14:00 - 15:00

Link: Ace the interview

Register for the event

Im Workshop werden alle Aspekte eines gelungenen ersten Eindrucks im Rahmen einer professionellen Kontaktaufnahme mit potentiellen Arbeitgebenden behandelt. Gemeinsam werden Strategien für die gelungene Kontaktaufnahme unter Berücksichtigung eventueller Hindernisse (Unsicherheit, Nervosität, hohes Personensaufkommen) erarbeitet und in verschiedenen selbstgewählten Situationen simuliert.

Sprache: Deutsch

Termine & Uhrzeiten:

22.05.2025, 16 - 17:30;

19.06.2025, 16 - 17:30

Link: Get in contact! Unternehmen ansprechen - Jobs finden

Register for the event

Would you like to start your career in Germany but are not sure about the legal aspects? This course covers the various forms and specifications of employment contracts. In addition, the composition of the salary and the importance of job references will be explained. You will also have the opportunity to clarify your most important questions about these legal aspects of the German labour market.

Online Workshop

Language: English

Date: 27.05.2025, 17:00 - 19:00

Link: Rights and obligations in the job in Germany

Register for the event

During this course, you will find out what happens during an AC and what will be expected of you. You will also become familiar with typical tasks and tests and receive knowledgeable feedback on your behaviour. This will alleviate stress and significantly enhance your chances of success.

Online Workshop

Language: English

Date: 26.06.2025, 16:00 - 19:00

Link: Assessment Centre Training

Register for the event

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