Dissertationen als Erstgutachter

  • Dr. Nika Mozafari: “Agents Without Agency? Consumer Responses to Artificial Intelligence-Based Agents” (2022)

  • Dr. Stefan Fischer: “Variants of variance: The informational utility of brand buzz dispersion” (2021)

  • Dr. Thomas Jaskolka: "Cleaning up while cleaning up? Meta-analytic insights into the performance outcomes and antecedents of sustainable innovation" (2021)

  • Dr. Tobias Wolf: “Two Sides of the Same Coin? Insights on Motivational Information Systems and Goal Achievement From a User and Firm Perspective” (2020)

  • Dr. Christina Hänel: „The Dark Side of Service Management: New Insights into Negative Customer Responses to Service Divestment” (2018)

  • Dr. Sebastian Klein: "Performance Implications of Intelligence- and Value-Management Initiatives in Customer Relationship Management" (2017)

  • Dr. Isabell Lenz: "Doing Well by Doing Good? New Insights into the Firm Value Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility" (2016)

  • Dr. Welf Weiger: "User Engagement in Social Media: An Individual-Level Perspective" (2016)

Dissertationen als Zweitgutachter

  • Dr. Nilusha Aliman: “Transcending the Two-Dimensional? Understanding Social Interactions in Virtual Environments”, Universität Münster, (2024)

  • Dr. Janina Kuhnle: “Customer Experience Management: The Role of Touchpoint and Product Design throughout the Customer Journey”, Universität Innsbruck, Österreich (2024)

  • Dr. Farhat Sultana: “Total Quality Management and Open Innovation: Resolving the Quality-Innovation Paradox through Leveraging Ambidexterity and Open Innovation Climate”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2023)

  • Dr. Hessa Hulooka: “Impact of Health Care Leadership Styles on Innovation and Patient Safety Culture”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2021)

  • Dr. Maitha Al Junaibi: “Leveraging the Impact of Innovation on Quality of Smart Services”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2021)

  • Dr. Carsten Leo Demming: “When Friends Give Bad Advice: Analyzing Response to Recommendation Performance of Close Others” (2020)

  • Dr. Ann-Kristin Großkopf: “Essays on the Media's Production and Dissemination Role: Evidence from financial and non-financial disclosure“ (2020)

  • Dr. Charlotte Hufnagel: “Impact of Gamification on Individual’s Motivation and Behavior”, Universität Münster (2019)

  • Dr. Nadine Ahrend: “Desirable and Undesirable Effects of Product Presentation Tools on Online and Offline Behavior” (2019)

  • Dr. Ines Beeck: “Mobile Applications from a Value-in-Use Perspective and their Impact on Retailing” (2018)

  • Dr. Carsten Schönefeld: "Ausgestaltung, Nutzung und Erfolgsauswirkungen von Innovationskennzahlen" (2014)

  • Dr. Irena Schierjott: "Managerial Networking Behavior across Organizational Boundaries: An Empirical Investigation in Biotech" (2013)

  • Dr. Melanie Windolph: "Technology Alliances as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Performance Impact and Success Factors of Technology Alliances" (2011)

Dissertationen als Drittgutachter

  • Dr. Dominic Maier: “The future of finance in times of climate change: An empirical analysis of climate-related risk awareness, sustainability action and CFO” (2024)

  • Dr. Hauke Meyer: “Socio-cognitive dynamics in directors' evaluations of the CEO: An empirical analysis of CEO dismissal and compensation” (2023)

  • Dr. Fabian Reinkemeier: “Designing Conversational Agents for Humans: Empirical Studies on Chatbots and Voice Assistants” (2023)

  • Loay Helless, PhD: “Smart Service Quality Evaluation: Evidence from The UAE Public Sector’s Customers”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2021)

  • Aisha Salem, PhD: “Evaluation of Consumer Participation in the United Arab Emirates’ Healthcare System”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2021)

  • Ghada Mohammed, PhD: “An Investigation into the Effect of Corporate Governance on the Relationships Between Accreditation and Hospitals’ Quality Performance from the Employees’ Perspectives”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2020)

  • Fahad Al Saadi, PhD: “An Investigation into the Dimensions of e-Service Quality: Evidence from UAE’s Higher Education Institutions”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2020)

  • Naseem Abdulla, PhD: “An Investigation into the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Service Quality: The Moderating Role of National Culture”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2020)

  • Dr. Sebastian Kaumanns: “Essays on the Informational Benefits of Accounting Standards for Listed Firms” (2017)

  • Dr. Lars Torben Schmidt: “Managing for Value: Determinants and Performance Implications of Value-based Management as an Integrated Management Control System” (2016)

  • Dr. Lasse Becker: “Impact of Federal Structures in Public Innovation Development Programs” (2015)

  • Dr. Jutta Schuch: “References and Preferences: New Insights into Food Decision Making” (2015)

  • Dr. Ossama Elshiewy: “The Impact of Voluntary Front-of-Pack Nutrition-Label Introduction on Purchase Behavior: Three Studies Analyzing Supermarket Scanner Data” (2015)

  • Dr. Nikita Saltykov: “Managing the Development of Innovative Potential of Industrial Enterprises”, Udmurt State University, Russland (2014)

  • Dr. Malte Schmidt: “Migration from Bar Code to Passive RFID Technologies in the Automotive Supply Chain” (2013)

  • Dr. Marten Schlaefke: “Management through Performance Measurement Systems” (2012)

  • Dr. Matthias Kiessling: “IT Innovation Management” (2012)

  • Dr. Mauricio Marrone: “Adoption and Benefits of Standardized IT Management Processes” (2011)

  • Dr. Bastian Heidenreich: “Application of Nonparametric Methods in Economic and Political Science” (2011)