Dr. Nika Mozafari: “Agents Without Agency? Consumer Responses to Artificial Intelligence-Based Agents” (2022)
Dr. Stefan Fischer: “Variants of variance: The informational utility of brand buzz dispersion” (2021)
Dr. Thomas Jaskolka: "Cleaning up while cleaning up? Meta-analytic insights into the performance outcomes and antecedents of sustainable innovation" (2021)
Dr. Tobias Wolf: “Two Sides of the Same Coin? Insights on Motivational Information Systems and Goal Achievement From a User and Firm Perspective” (2020)
Dr. Christina Hänel: „The Dark Side of Service Management: New Insights into Negative Customer Responses to Service Divestment” (2018)
Dr. Sebastian Klein: "Performance Implications of Intelligence- and Value-Management Initiatives in Customer Relationship Management" (2017)
Dr. Isabell Lenz: "Doing Well by Doing Good? New Insights into the Firm Value Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility" (2016)
Dr. Welf Weiger: "User Engagement in Social Media: An Individual-Level Perspective" (2016)
Dissertationen als Zweitgutachter
Dr. Nilusha Aliman: “Transcending the Two-Dimensional? Understanding Social Interactions in Virtual Environments”, Universität Münster, (2024)
Dr. Janina Kuhnle: “Customer Experience Management: The Role of Touchpoint and Product Design throughout the Customer Journey”, Universität Innsbruck, Österreich (2024)
Dr. Farhat Sultana: “Total Quality Management and Open Innovation: Resolving the Quality-Innovation Paradox through Leveraging Ambidexterity and Open Innovation Climate”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2023)
Dr. Hessa Hulooka: “Impact of Health Care Leadership Styles on Innovation and Patient Safety Culture”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2021)
Dr. Maitha Al Junaibi: “Leveraging the Impact of Innovation on Quality of Smart Services”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2021)
Dr. Carsten Leo Demming: “When Friends Give Bad Advice: Analyzing Response to Recommendation Performance of Close Others” (2020)
Dr. Ann-Kristin Großkopf: “Essays on the Media's Production and Dissemination Role: Evidence from financial and non-financial disclosure“ (2020)
Dr. Charlotte Hufnagel: “Impact of Gamification on Individual’s Motivation and Behavior”, Universität Münster (2019)
Dr. Nadine Ahrend: “Desirable and Undesirable Effects of Product Presentation Tools on Online and Offline Behavior” (2019)
Dr. Ines Beeck: “Mobile Applications from a Value-in-Use Perspective and their Impact on Retailing” (2018)
Dr. Carsten Schönefeld: "Ausgestaltung, Nutzung und Erfolgsauswirkungen von Innovationskennzahlen" (2014)
Dr. Irena Schierjott: "Managerial Networking Behavior across Organizational Boundaries: An Empirical Investigation in Biotech" (2013)
Dr. Melanie Windolph: "Technology Alliances as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Performance Impact and Success Factors of Technology Alliances" (2011)
Dissertationen als Drittgutachter
Dr. Dominic Maier: “The future of finance in times of climate change: An empirical analysis of climate-related risk awareness, sustainability action and CFO” (2024)
Dr. Hauke Meyer: “Socio-cognitive dynamics in directors' evaluations of the CEO: An empirical analysis of CEO dismissal and compensation” (2023)
Dr. Fabian Reinkemeier: “Designing Conversational Agents for Humans: Empirical Studies on Chatbots and Voice Assistants” (2023)
Loay Helless, PhD: “Smart Service Quality Evaluation: Evidence from The UAE Public Sector’s Customers”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2021)
Aisha Salem, PhD: “Evaluation of Consumer Participation in the United Arab Emirates’ Healthcare System”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2021)
Ghada Mohammed, PhD: “An Investigation into the Effect of Corporate Governance on the Relationships Between Accreditation and Hospitals’ Quality Performance from the Employees’ Perspectives”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2020)
Fahad Al Saadi, PhD: “An Investigation into the Dimensions of e-Service Quality: Evidence from UAE’s Higher Education Institutions”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2020)
Naseem Abdulla, PhD: “An Investigation into the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Service Quality: The Moderating Role of National Culture”, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (2020)
Dr. Sebastian Kaumanns: “Essays on the Informational Benefits of Accounting Standards for Listed Firms” (2017)
Dr. Lars Torben Schmidt: “Managing for Value: Determinants and Performance Implications of Value-based Management as an Integrated Management Control System” (2016)
Dr. Lasse Becker: “Impact of Federal Structures in Public Innovation Development Programs” (2015)
Dr. Jutta Schuch: “References and Preferences: New Insights into Food Decision Making” (2015)
Dr. Ossama Elshiewy: “The Impact of Voluntary Front-of-Pack Nutrition-Label Introduction on Purchase Behavior: Three Studies Analyzing Supermarket Scanner Data” (2015)
Dr. Nikita Saltykov: “Managing the Development of Innovative Potential of Industrial Enterprises”, Udmurt State University, Russland (2014)
Dr. Malte Schmidt: “Migration from Bar Code to Passive RFID Technologies in the Automotive Supply Chain” (2013)
Dr. Marten Schlaefke: “Management through Performance Measurement Systems” (2012)
Dr. Matthias Kiessling: “IT Innovation Management” (2012)
Dr. Mauricio Marrone: “Adoption and Benefits of Standardized IT Management Processes” (2011)
Dr. Bastian Heidenreich: “Application of Nonparametric Methods in Economic and Political Science” (2011)