2.3.1 Bachelor of Arts - profile
In the Bachelor’s programme, basic knowledge on foreign language teaching is taught in a module consisting of an introduction course, its accompanying tutorial and an introduction to intercultural learning. The introduction course acquaints students with the basics of the didactics of foreign languages and allows them to discover a variety of methods together. The tutorial offers students the opportunity to teach on their own by giving micro teaching units (MTUs). In the introduction to intercultural learning, students learn about approaches and theories on intercultural learning and their significance for the teaching and learning of foreign languages.
Study plans and other important documents for B.A. students can be found here.
Regulations as well as the module catalogue for studying English as part of the Bachelor’s programme for teacher training (“Profil Lehramt”) can be found here.
In order to find the specific courses that correspond to the modules designated in the module catalogue in each individual semester, please check the university’s online calendar UniVZ.