2.3.2 Master of Education
The consecutive Master’s programme consists of two didactic modules to further apply and deepen the knowledge students gained in the Bachelor’s programme: the in-depth module includes an in-depth seminar (2 SWS – weekly hours per semester) and a related subject-specific course (2 SWS); the second module covers a lecture or a practical course (2 SWS) as well as the preparation for the subject or research internship (FP/FoP) (4/2 SWS). This means that both for the subject and for the research internship, two different courses must be attended! The two following graphs illustrate the modules. The FP lasts five weeks (100 hours), the FoP takes four weeks (80 hours). Whereas the FP is a teaching internship, meant to encourage the reflection of own teaching experiences, the FoP is about pursuing a research question decided on in the preparation course. The research can be done from an observer’s perspective on other teachers’ lessons, but it can also focus on lessons taught by the students themselves (key word: ‘action research’).
Study plans and further important documents for students doing the Master of Education can be found here.
Regulations as well as the module catalogue for studying English as part of the Master’s programme for teacher training can be found here.
The Koordinationsstelle Lehrerbildung provides further information on the subject interships.
![Homepage MEd 1](/storage/pictures/79585dbe5a53e68c0d5dfd76d9f3f8dd.jpg)
![Homepage MEd 2](/storage/pictures/b592a4899bc5b2f83a4a6b1affa97db5.jpg)