Application for local admission-restricted courses of study - 1st subject semester (Bachelor's degree) (EU citizens)
For admission to degree programmes with limited admission, you need to lodge an application. For the winter semester 2024/25, university places for the first subject semester in the degree programme- Biochemistry (B.Sc.)
- Biological Diversity and Ecology (B.Sc.)
- Biology (B.Sc.)
- Ecosystem Sciences (B.Sc.)
- Forestry and Forest Ecology (B.Sc.)
- Political sciences (B.A.)
- Psychology (B.Sc.)
- Sustainable Development Studies (B.A.)
at Göttingen University will be allocated via the national platform for degree programmes with limited admission at (DoSV; dialogue-oriented service procedure ):
The procedure is called dialogue-oriented, because as an applicant you have to actively participate in the allocation procedure. Therefore, please observe the following steps (especially steps 4 to 6).
If you are interested in a different degree programme, please go back to the application check.

Scan your documents in particular your university entrance qualification certificate (e.g. German Abitur), to enable you to upload these to the portal. The data formats pdf, jpg, tiff, doc and docx will be accepted.

During the application process and subsequently your enrollment we will send updates and information to your registered mail account.

Register with at the platform for degree programmes with limited admission (see adjoining first link under section 1). Make a note of the applicant identification number (BID) and the corresponding applicant authorisation number (BAN) which is allocated to you there. You will need both your BID and BAN numbers for the application platform of Göttingen University.

Your next step will be to register at the application platform of Göttingen University using your BID and BAN numbers. You will subsequently receive an E-mail in order to complete your registration. Please follow the instructions given in the E-mail to activate your account.

Enter your personal data and specify your desired degree programme on the application and enrolment portal. Upload the required documents, then submit your application in order to participate in the application procedure. You can submit up to 3 applications.
- University entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur certificate / school leaving certificate)
Further documents are only required for your application if you
- have already studied in Germany, proof of study periods for each German higher education institution (e.g. University)
- have already successfully completed a degree programme at a German higher education institution, a comprehensive reasoning for the intended second degree
- wanto submit an application for admission due to exceptional hardness, a detailed justification and evidence (doctor's certificates, expert opinions, ...)
- are not yet of legal age, the declaration of consent by their legal guardian for minors
- had already received an admission letter, but were unable to take the place due to Public Service (e.g. Federal Voluntary Service, Voluntary Social Year, Military or Civil Service, ...), a corresponding Term of Service Certificate and the earlier admission letter
Please note: certificates in any language other than German or English must be submitted submitted both in the original and in translation.

If you have applied for other degree programmes which take part in the dialogue-oriented service procedure, you must prioritize the order of your applications in the portal of by 22 January before the coordination rules apply.
Attention: If you have given higher priority to another application and receive an admission offer there, any admission offer of lower ranked applications will be automatically rejected. Therefore, if you wish to come to Göttingen your applications here need to have the highest priority.
- Please observe the coordination rules and procedure details (in German only) of the dialogue-oriented service procedure.
Admission offers for a study programme
After the application deadline has expired, you will be informed about the status of your applications in the portal of Of course, we will also inform you by e-mail about any available admission offers from the University of Göttingen.
Acceptance of admission
Once you have decided on an admission offer from the University of Göttingen, you must actively and bindingly accept it in the portal of If you placed your application to the University of Göttingen first (priority), an offer of admission will automatically be accepted.
After acceptance, your letter of admission will be filed for download in the application and enrolment portal of the University of Göttingen. You will automatically be informed of the decision via the e-mail address registered with us. You must accept your place directly in the application and enrolment portal by applying for enrolment within the deadline specified in the letter of admission.
Online enrolment and upload of your documents
In order to enrol, you are required to upload your enrolment documents in the period of time given by your admission statement on the application and enrolment portal and enter some additional data.
- Insurance certificate for students from a public health insurance provider (AOK, BEK, DAK, etc.). Students covered by private health insurance must obtain a certificate from any public health insurance provider stating that they are exempt from statutory health insurance.
Further documents are only required for enrolment if you
- have no German university entrance qualification, evidence of sufficient German language proficiency (DSH examination)
Please note: certificates in any language other than German or English must be submitted submitted both in the original and in translation.

At the same time you accept your university place, you must also transfer the semester fees to the University. Your enrolment can only be processed after we have received your payment. Please make sure to state your registration number and name in your transfer!
Please transfer the semester fees in due time to the university bank account.
Additional bank fees that may apply for international (non-eu) bank transfers must be covered by the applicant. Please choose the option OUR (you pay for all transfer charges) in case you send the money via SWIFT.
Payee („Empfänger”): Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Account with Nord/LB Hannover
Friedrichswall 10
30159 Hannover
IBAN DE57 2505 0000 0199 9537 04 BIC/SWIFT-Code NOLA DE 2H
Reference („Verwendungszweck”)
Please enter the following information into the "reference" field:
- Your application number
- Your surname and given name
- The semester of reference (e.g. winter semester 20xy)

Confirmation including information regarding your enrolment, student ID and Semesterticket will subsequently be sent by email to you automatically.