Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

The RTG collaborates with the DFG-DST research project entitled ?Models and Algorithms for computing in presence of uncertainty?, which is a joint project of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST). The goal of this research project is the close collaboration of German and Indian researchers in order to exchange the expertise on the two fields of algorithms and modeling uncertainties in mathematical optimization
Period: 2012 to 2015
Contact: Jonas Ide
Period: 2012 to 2015
Contact: Jonas Ide
EGGER International

The RTG cooperates with EGGER International. The company produces wood-based panel products. EGGER is represented by 17 production sites in Europe and has currently 23 sales offices worldwide. In Radauti (Romania), field trials with a chipping harvester within an experimental short rotation coppice (360 ha) have been conducted. One of the aims of this field trip was to collect material samples from different poplar clones and at different stages of age. These samples should be used for experimentations concerning material utilization later on.
Period: February 2013
Contact: Maren Schlauß
Period: February 2013
Contact: Maren Schlauß
EU-project OptALI

The RTG had a cooperation with the EU-project OptALI (Optimization and its Applications in Learning and Industry). The OptALI project encourages the exchange and strengthening of research collaboration via an exchange programme that allows European OptALI members to visit Auckland and Canterbury Universities, and similarly New Zealanders to visit the European partner universities. Other activities include workshops in both New Zealand and Europe. In New Zealand the RTG collaborated with the work group of professor Ehrgott (University of Auckland) as well as with the working group of Prof. Tadao Takaoka from Christchurch University.
Period: 2010 to 2015
Contact: Jonas Ide, Morten Tiedemann
Period: 2010 to 2015
Contact: Jonas Ide, Morten Tiedemann
Indian Institute of Technology

The RTG cooperated with the Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi). In Delhi, members of the RTG cooperated with Professor Dr. Sandeep Sen and Manoj Gupta on the research topic of uncertain knapsack problems with queries. Regarding this topic, the following publication has been published:
Goerigk, M.; Gupta, M.; Ide, J.; Schöbel, A.; Sen, S. (2015): The robust knapsack problem with queries. In: Computers and Operations Research 55, pp. 12-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2014.09.010.
Period: November 2013 to April 2014
Contact: Jonas Ide
Period: November 2013 to April 2014
Contact: Jonas Ide

SCION in Rotorua (New Zealand) is a research institute dedicated to improving the international competitiveness of the forest industry and building a stronger biobased economy. In collaboration with the RTG experiments concerning WPC processing and thermal behaviour changes of bamboo particles-polyvinyl chloride composites from raw materials have been conducted.
Period: September 2014 to January 2015
Contact: Laura Teuber
Period: September 2014 to January 2015
Contact: Laura Teuber

TimberTec develops software solutions for displaying and controlling business processes in the sawmill and timber industry. In cooperation with TimberTec and the University of Natural Resources and Life Science in Vienna, the RTG develops a software tool for the optimization of the production planning and the choice of cutting patterns in sawmills.
Contact: Corinna Krüger
Contact: Corinna Krüger
University of Conception

A model has been developed in Gottingen for the planning and optimization of local heating networks in bioenergy villages and was tested and adapted to Chilean conditions. The adjustments allow for the modeling and optimization of larger heating networks in residential areas, which are supplied with waste heat from wood fueled co-generation plants. In Chile, the RTG cooperates with Professor Alex Berg who visited the RTG in 2012 as a guest lecturer , and who also plans to cooperate further with the group.
Period: January to April 2014
Contact: Ingo Karschin
Period: January to April 2014
Contact: Ingo Karschin
University of Hamburg

The RTG collaborates extensively with the Chemical Technology Department of the University of Hamburg. The University of Hamburg has equipment that enables members of the RTG to do pre-experiments and prepare materials for research. For example, their laboratory kneader is used in order to conduct experiment concerning the influence of WPC processing parameters on the wood components as well as to conduct experiments on fusion behaviours of polyvinyl chloride composites based on bamboo particles. Furthermore, equipment is used to examine agricultural by-products as a substitute for wood particles in WPC.
Period: Since September 2012
Contact: Laura Teuber, Felix Haiduk
Period: Since September 2012
Contact: Laura Teuber, Felix Haiduk
University of Manchester

The RTG collaborates with the University of Manchester. Members of the RTG are working together with Professor Adisa Azapagic on a paper about using LCA to evaluate logistics network considering cascade utilization.
Period: April 2014 to May 2014
Contact: Mohammad Sadegh Taskhiri
Period: April 2014 to May 2014
Contact: Mohammad Sadegh Taskhiri
University of Perugia

The RTG is in contact with the University of Perugia. Together with Prof. Stefano Saetta research on the evaluation of sustainability transport modes is planned.
Period: November 2012 to December 2012
Contact: Fabian Renatus
Period: November 2012 to December 2012
Contact: Fabian Renatus
University of Auckland Business School

Mitglieder des GRK arbeiteten mit der University of Auckland Business School (Auckland, Neuseeland) zusammen. In Kooperation mit Frau Dr. Denise Conroy entstanden gemeinsame Publikationen im Bereich des Nachhaltigkeitsmarketings und ethischen Konsums. Diese wurden auf Konferenzen präsentiert, u. a. dem International Symposium for Sustainable Leadership 2015, bei dem der gemeinsame Beitrag mit dem Best Paper Award ausgezeichnet wurde.
Osburg, V.-S., Conroy, D. M., & Toporowski, W. (2015). How to best present salient product information to encourage ethical consumption: A conceptual framework. In: A. Sinha, J. Cadeaux & T. Bucic (Eds.), 2015 ANZMAC Conference. Innovation and Growth Strategies in Marketing. Conference Proceedings, p. 1107. Sydney.
Osburg, V.-S., Conroy, D. M., & Toporowski, W. (2015). Furnishing sustainable futures: An exploration of how furniture manufacturers can demonstrate sustainable leadership. In: G. C. Avery & M.-S. Bouchet (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Sustainable Leadership, pp. 57-68, Pymble: Institute for Sustainable Leadership Ltd.
Period: November 2014 to January 2015
Contact: Dr. Victoria-Sophie Osburg
Period: November 2014 to January 2015
Contact: Dr. Victoria-Sophie Osburg