Anmeldung zum Zertifikatsprogramm Certificate Programm (600,- Euro)I am ... a doctoral student habilitating professor postdoc research group leader SonstigestitlePlease selectprofessorjunior professorhonorary or visiting professorlecturer(permanent) senior teaching assistantteaching assistantteacher for special tasks (LfbA)lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte*r)no detailsWie dürfen wir Sie ansprechen?*Name:Surename:Institute/facility:Faculty:Please selectFaculty of TheologyFaculty of LawMedical CenterFaculty of HumanitiesFaculty of Mathematics and Computer ScienceFaculty of PhysicsFaculty of ChemistryFaculty of Geoscience and GeographyFaculty of Biology incl. PsychologyFaculty of Forest Sciences and Forest EcologyFaculty of Agricultural SciencesFaculty of Economic SciencesFaculty of Social Sciencesif not in the list, see 'Other facility'Other facility:Please selectZentraler HochschulsportZentrale Einrichtung für Sprachen und SchlüsselqualifikationMember of a graduate school? * Yes NoFacility:* University Göttingen TU Clausthal Other facilityTelephone (office):E-Mail:Address (private or office)How many lectures do you have this semester?Since how many semesters have you professionally held lectures?Please select0 semester1 semester2-4 semestermore than 4 semesterHave you ever participated in a workshop before?* Yes NoAre you taking part in one of our programmes?* No/ not yet YesIf so: In which programme?Please selectcertificate programmeZertifikatsprogramm PLUSTeam Teaching programmeZertifikatsprogramm Upgrade (von einem Team Teaching-Programm)Medizindidaktik-Zertifikat How did you learn about the offers of the teaching and learning in higher education?After your registration you will receive a confirmation via E-Mail within a few days. If you don’t get a confirmation within a week, please write an E-Mail to hochschuldidaktik@zvw.uni-goettingen.deConfirmation* I have read the registration conditions and I accept them.By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.