Natascha Grinnell - PhD student
Research interests
- Holistic and circular animal production systems, fit for the future
- Sustainable grazing management and multifunction grasslands
- Combination of animal production and nature preservation
- Sustainable intensification of animal production
Current Project:
GreenGrass - Innovative Nutzung des Grünlands für eine nachhaltige Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft im Landschaftsmaßstab
Short CV
since 2021: PhD student In the Department of Crop Sciences, Grassland Science of the Georg-August-University Göttingen, Applicability of modern technology for future grazing management
since 2020: Intern In the Department of Crop Sciences, Grassland Science of the Georg-August-University Göttingen
Topic: Multifunction grasslands and grazing management
2018-2020: Degree course (M.Sc.) in Animal Sciences at Wageningen University, majoring in animal nutrition and global and sustainable production (animal production systems)
Thesis: Integrated Livestock-Oil Palm Production Systems in Malaysia
2013-2018: Degree course (B.Sc.) in Agronomy at the UAS in Bingen
Thesis: Nutrient use efficiency in high yielding dairy cows by reference to nitrogen use efficiency
Grinnell, N.A., Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Traulsen, I., Palme, R., Isselstein, J., 2025. Supporting rotational grazing systems with virtual fencing: Paddock transitions, beef heifer performance, and stress response. Animal - The international journal of animal biosciences.
Grinnell, N., Komainda, M., Hamidi, D., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Traulsen, I., Palme, R., Isselstein, J., 2024. Virtual fencing in rotational stocking systems: stress levels of grazing heifers. Grassland Science in Europe 29, 566-568.
Hamidi, D., Hütt, C., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N.A., Horn, J., Riesch, F., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein, J., 2023. Grid grazing: A case study on the potential of combining virtual fencing and remote sensing for innovative grazing management on a grid base. Livestock Science 278 105373.
Grinnell N.A., Komainda M., Tonn B., Hamidi D. & Isselstein J. (2023). Long-term effects of extensive grazing on pasture productivity. Animal Production Science.
Hamidi D., Komainda M., Tonn B., Harbers J., Grinnell N. & Isselstein J. (2021). The Effect of Grazing Intensity and Sward Heterogeneity on the Movement Behavior of Suckler Cows on Semi-natural Grassland. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, Article 639096,
Hamidi, D., Grinnell, N.A., Komainda, M., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Ammer, S., Traulsen, I., Palme, R., Hamidi, M., Isselstein, J. 2022. Heifers don't care: no evidence of negative impact on animal welfare growing heifers when using virtual fences compared to physical fences for grazing. ANIMAL. The international journal of animal biosciences, 100614 .
In Conference Proceedings
Grinnell N., Komainda M., Hamidi D., Riesch F., Horn J., Traulsen I., Palme R., Isselstein J., 2024. Virtual fencing in rotational stocking systems: stress levels of grazing heifers. Grassland Science in Europe 29, 566-568.
Hamidi D., Hütt C., Komainda M., Grinnell N.A., Horn J., Riesch F., Hamidi M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2024. Asking grazing cattle: using virtual fencing collars to make forage availability dynamics visible. Grassland Science in Europe 29, 630-632.
Hamidi, D., Grinnell, N.A., Komainda, M., Wilms, L., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein J., 2023. The visibility of the invisible: Analysing heifers reactions while learning the virtual fence system. 74. Annual Meeting, European Federation of Animal Science, August 26th – September 1st, 2023 in Lyon, France, 443
Hamidi D., Komainda M., Grinnell N. A., Riesch F., Horn J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2023. Monitoring animal movements by virtual fencing collars – a comparison of different time intervals. 74. Annual Meeting, European Federation of Animal Science, August 26th – September 1st, 2023 in Lyon, France, 247
Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N. A., Riesch F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein, J., 2023. More than a fencing system? Testing the validity of virtual fencing collars for cattle monitoring on pasture. 25. International Grassland Congress, May 14-19 in Kentucky, USA, (2023)
Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N. A., Wilms, L., Riesch F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2023. Virtual fencing predictable for cattle? 25. International Grassland Congress, May 14-19 in Kentucky, USA, (2023)
Hamidi D., Grinnell N. A., Horn J., Riesch F., Komainda M., Ammer S., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2021. Training cattle with virtual fences on permanent pastures. Grassland Science in Europe 26, 187-189.
Hamidi D., Komainda M., Tonn B., Harbers J., Grinnell N. A., Isselstein J., 2021. Movement behaviour of cattle analysed with GPS data as affected by three different grazing intensities. Grassland Science in Europe 26, 175-177.
Grinnell N. A., Hamidi D., Horn J., Riesch F., Komainda M., Ammer S., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2021. The effect of virtual fencing technology on grazing behaviour: differences in herbage consumption. Grassland Science in Europe 26, 181-183.
Grinnell N. A., Hamidi D., Riesch F., Horn J., Komainda M., Ammer S., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2021. Testing the validity of a precision dairy ear sensor technology in recording grazing time. Grassland Science in Europe 26, 205-207.
Hamidi D., Komainda M., Grinnell N. A., Horn J., Riesch F., Ammer S., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2022. Effects of electrical impulses on cattle grazing behaviour: virtual vs. physical fencing. Grassland Science in Europe 27, 602-604
Hamidi D., Hütt C., Komainda M., Grinnell N. A., Horn J., Riesch F., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2022. Spatial distribution of virtually and physically fenced cattle in relation to forage availability. Grassland Science in Europe 27, 599-601
Grinnell N. A., Komainda M., Tonn B., Hamidi D., Isselstein J., 2022 Extensively managed grasslands: productivity after more than a decade without fertilizer input. Grassland Science in Europe 27, 161-163
Hamidi D., Komainda M., Grinnell N. A., Horn J., Riesch F., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2022. Veränderungen im Tierverhalten als Umtriebsindikation. Internationale Weidetagung 2022, Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Weidehaltung im Berggebiet, 25
Hamidi D., Komainda M., Grinnell N. A., Horn J., Riesch F., Hamidi, M., Ammer S., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2022. Ruhen auf der Weide – Möglichkeiten der Detektion mit Hilfe von GPS Daten aus virtuellen Zäunungshalsbändern. Internationale Weidetagung 2022, Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Weidehaltung im Berggebiet, 77
Hamidi D., Komainda M., Grinnell N. A., Riesch F., Horn J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2022. Virtuelles Zäunen: Chancen für eine verbesserte Tierüberwachung?Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Grünland und Futterbau, Grünland im Spannungsfeld Forschung, Wissenstransfer und öffentliche Wahrnehmungen 65, 97-99
Hamidi D., Grinnell N. A., Horn J., Riesch F., Komainda M., Ammer S., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2022. Virtuelles Zäunen: Brauchen Rinder sichtbaren Zäune? 15. Tagung: Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung. 95-98
Grinnell N. A., Hamidi D., Riesch F., Horn J., Komainda M., Ammer S., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2022. Nutzung von Smart Farming Sensoren in der Weidehaltung von Rindern. 15. Tagung: Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung. 70-74Jauker, F., Hamidi, D., Baumann, K., Komainda, M., Hütt, C., Isselstein, J., Wolters, V., Precision grazing for biodiversity? Spatio-temporal scales of grazing effects on vegetation structure and arthropod abundance. GfÖ Jahrestagung am 21. bis 25. November 2022 in Metz, Frankreich