Proof of valid measles vaccination
Type of Document: "Proof of valid measles vaccination"
For students at the University Medical Centre (Universitätsmedizin Göttingen) and Psychology students
With regard to a possible admission, we would like to inform you today that a change in legislation has led to the introduction of an additional requirement for enrolment: If you are admitted and wish to enrol, you must provide evidence of a valid measles vaccination.
This obligation results from the Gesetz für den Schutz vor Masern und zur Stärkung der Impfprävention (Law for the Protection against Measles and for the Strengthening of Vaccination) of 10 February 2020 in conjunction with §20 Section 9 Sentence 1 and §23 Section 3 Infektionsschutzgesetz (Infection Protection Act) and §1 Section 4 lit. j) Immatrikulationsordnung (Matriculation Regulations) of the University of Göttingen. Comparable regulations will come into force throughout Germany for university hospitals and comparable institutions.
To prove valid measles vaccination, please use this form, which you must have completed and signed by a registered doctor, either in Germany or abroad. Please note, without this proof, enrolment cannot take place. Therefore, please use the time between your application and enrolment to get vaccinated or refresh your vaccination status. Usually, there is not enough time to do so after admission to the university.
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The personal office hour on Wednesday, 02.04.25 will not take place.
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