Applied Data Science (B.Sc.)


Applied Data Science
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Full-time studies or Part-time studies
Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Only the winter semester
Language of the programme:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Orientation events:
at the begin of your studies orientation events are offered
A pre-course in computer science and a pre-course in mathematics are offered.

Get to know us

Programme specific virtuelle

Virtual study orientation

Is Applied Data Science a good fit for me?

Cross-programme Schnupperstudium
from 12.

Campus Tours

With students on the road


The field of data science includes aspects of mathematics, computer science and statistics. Data science deals with data analysis and the knowledge gained from data, as well as the techniques required for processing large and partially unstructured data volume. In the Bachelor’s degree programme “Applied Data Science", detailed knowledge of data analysis is taught on the basis of computer science and mathematics. In an application subject, students are also introduced to the practical application of the data analysis methods they have learned. The data analysis courses include aspects of machine learning, statistics, pattern recognition and the infrastructures required for effective analyses. Students may choose economics, biology, digital humanities, medical computer science, breeding informatics or physical modeling and data analysis as application subjects.

In Göttingen, we set a high value on close connection with the application subject. Moreover, the courses in mathematics, computer science and statistics in Göttingen provide ideal conditions for a multi-disciplinary degree programme such as data science.

Anyone choosing Applied Data Science as their study subject should be interested in formal mathematics as well as application-related practical work. The ability to work in a team is a vital prerequisite for daily professional work later on. English language skills are required. Special subject-related knowledge, especially in programming, is not required.

Data scientists are currently sought after in virtually all subject areas, in research as well as in industry and commerce. Potential employers can be found especially in marketing, banks, insurance and reinsurance companies, the IT sector, business consultancies, public research institutes or corporate R&D departments, the pharmaceutical sector (clinical studies), in public health organisations and at universities. Thanks to the close involvement of this degree programme with the areas of application directly at the University, potential employment opportunities exist especially in research departments engaged in data-driven research in the areas mentioned above. In Germany, there is currently a shortage of specialist staff in all of these areas.

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes


The bachelor's degree program "Applied Data Science" requires a total of 180 credit points to be earned. The study program is divided into the areas of subject studies, professionalization and bachelor thesis. Detailed information on the structure of the study program, on application subjects and on modules can be found in the module directory. Sample study plans can be found in the examination and study regulations.

Subject studies (64 Credit points)

  • Fundamentals of computer science
  • The mathematical foundations of Data Science
  • Fundamentals of Data Science

Area of Professionalization (104 Credit points)

  • Elective area »Data Science«, e.g. Advanced Machine Learning
  • Elective area »Subject of application«, e.g. Business and Economics or Biology
  • Practical courses / Advanced research training
  • Key competencies, e.g. Programming or language courses

Bachelor thesis (12 Credit points)

Regulations and module directory


Winter semester only
1st subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)
2nd to 6th subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)

Citizen from an EU country (including Germany and EEA) or holding a German university entrance qualification

Non-German citizens without a German educational qualification

Citizen from a non-EU country (or stateless person)


Academic Advising

Office of Dean of Studies Computer Science
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Student Advisory Service
Goldschmidtstr. 7
37077 Göttingen