Study Planning and Organization
Study Planning

In the core curriculum, the KA/EE-BA study program consists of two different phases: Four basic modules (B.KAEE.01-04)introduce major subject content, the history of the subject, the central methods of fieldwork and historical-archival research, and elementary theories of culture. Courses in this section are required and must be taken by all students.
This is followed by four advanced modules (B.KAEE.05-08), in which topic-specific courses are selected within the framework of mandatory elective courses. Here, it is possible to develop your own focus areas. You can, for example, study the subject in its wider thematic scope or work more intensively on individual topics.
Subsequently, further topic-specific advanced seminars can be taken as part of a disciplinary specialization. We also offer a series of courses with a focus on visual anthropology, which prepare students for the CVA master's degree.
Important: In the concrete planning of your courses of studies, you are, to a large extent, free to decide in which specific order you complete the modules. This means that you can first take the basic modules and then the advanced modules; but you can also study the basic and advanced modules simultaneously in one semester. The exemplary study plans below may give you an impression. Please note: The lecture "Introduction to KA/EE" should definitely be attended in the first semester. Not all modules are offered on a regular basis in the winter and summer semesters; be sure to take this into account in your planning. If you plan to have a different arrangement of your modules than presented in the examples, it is highly recommended to discuss the planning with the student advisor to make sure that all necessary modules are definitely scheduled.
Here you will find, among other things, information on the respective course dates, the course location, the number of credit points (ECTS) and the course content..
Information on current (and also past) courses can be accessed in the UniVZ. Here you can find, for example, information about the dates, the location, the number of credit points (ECTS) and the content of the course.
- - Registration for all KA/EE courses takes place via StudIP. Information on the functions of StudIP can be found on the university's start-of-study channel.
- - An instructional video on how to register for StudIP can be seen here.
- - Each semester, the Institute of KA/EE hosts an Institute Colloquium, where institute staff and guest speakers from other institutes present and discuss their research topics. All students are welcome to attend! For the modules B.KAEE.113 and 114 as well as for the module B.KAEE.301 it is also possible to receive credit for the participation in the institute colloquium.