Networking Events and Trade Fairs
We also promote knowledge transfer between the university, its business environment and society in the form of various events. Whether networking and information events with entertaining keynote speeches on changing topics, trade fairs or application-related seminars: We connect bright minds who present innovations, exchange knowledge and further develop ideas.
Individual cooperation formats
We are happy to support your event by arranging suitable speakers who can report on current research activities at the Georg-August-University Göttingen and the University Medical Center Göttingen. Perhaps we can also organize an innovative event together? We are an experienced team that has tested and established many different formats both online and offline. As an official partner of an event, we can offer conference and event rooms of the Georg-August University free of charge. There are many opportunities for cooperation. Get in touch with us!

The PraxisForum is a networking event for people from science, business, politics and administration on current scientific trend topics. In 5-7 short presentations, scientists present current, application-related research results, while companies and research institutions present their joint cooperation projects.

Company roundtable
The company roundtable focuses on the interests and needs of the (regional) economy. How do you attract and retain skilled workers in the region? Where can I get practical support for the digitalization of operational processes? How can I obtain funding for innovative projects? We contribute findings from research and usually cooperate with regional business development agencies, the Chamber of Skilled Crafts or the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in this format.

Trade fairs and exhibitions
The university regularly presents current research results at the joint stands of the universities in Lower Saxony at the Hannover Messe and is also represented at other trade fairs such as Agritechnica and Biotechnica. We are happy to support you in the planning and implementation of your trade fair appearance

Career fair and practical offers
Your company is looking for well-trained, committed young professionals? You would like to make valuable contacts in the professional world during your studies or doctorate and learn and research in a practice-oriented way? We use our recruiting events to introduce companies to promising talent and are committed to application-oriented teaching.