Founded in 1737, the University of Göttingen is distinguished by the rich diversity of its subject spectrum, its excellent facilities for the pursuit of scientific research, and the outstanding quality of the areas that defines its profile. The university and local non-university research institutions have come together as the “Göttingen Campus” to promote research, teaching and the training of young researchers. By drawing on their joint strengths and potential, campus partners have created a unique and stimulating environment that encourages diversity and an active exchange between professors, researchers and doctoral students. International networks and interdisciplinary centers serve as platforms for new ideas and innovative research concepts. They are embedded in a campus setting that provides access to an impressive collection of resources, infrastructure, and support services.
One of the key areas of scientific strength on the Göttingen Campus is the mathematics, natural and life sciences, in which doctoral education is provided by the graduate school GAUSS (Georg-August-University School of Science). Our MSc/PhD Program Molecular Biology is incorporated in the Göttingen Graduate Center for Neurobiology, Biophysics and Molecular Biology (GGNB), covering a broad range of research excellence of the 10 University’s Research Foci. The cluster of excellence Multiscale Bioimaging: from Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells (MBExC) as a collaboration of the University with its campus partners is aiming to decipher disease-relevant nanoscale functional units in cardiac and neural excitable cells are thereby largely overlapping with the scientific focus of our study program.
Additionally, the mathematics, natural and life sciences are home to more than 16 interdisciplinary research centers and institutes. Students are part of a vibrant, state-of-the-art scientific environment which is provided by the faculties, our Göttingen Campus research partners, nine internationally renowned Collaborative Research Centers (SFBs), and interdisciplinary doctoral programs including five DFG Research Training Groups, five International Max Planck Research Schools and one Leibniz Graduate School.