Career and Career Entry
You would like to make valuable contacts in the professional world during your studies or doctorate and learn and research in a practice-oriented way? Your company is looking for well-trained, committed young professionals and project partners?
PraxisBörse - The university's job and career fair
Young talents meet attractive companies! Take the opportunity on the 18th and 19th of June 2024 to talk informally about entry-level and career opportunities.

Recruiting Dinner - the culinary career event
November 2022: Students and companies get to know each other over good food and in a relaxed atmosphere in the "Library" at the Hotel FREIgeist..

stellenwerk - Job portal of the University of Göttingen
Part-time jobs, internships, theses and job offers for starting your career: Here you will find the right job or the person to fill it perfectly.

Excursions to companies
We offer excursions to attractive companies every semester. We will inform you about the current semester offerings on Facebook and on our central excursion page.

In the PraxisSeminar, student teams work on specific issues from regional companies as part of a course under the guidance of academic supervisors.

Former students offer exciting insights into every day working life, career and give valuable suggestions for career guidance, job applications and networking.

This could also be of interest to you:

Career Service of the University of Göttingen
The Career Service supports you at an early stage in your application project and in discovering your potential and prospects - in the region, throughout Germany or internationally.

Qualification portal for doctoral candidates
The qualification portal for doctoral candidates is a joint service of the Göttingen graduate schools. It makes it easier for doctoral candidates to find suitable individual qualification opportunities.

Advertising and promotion on campus?
Your company would like to attract attention on campus? We have put together several basic offers for you, which can be flexibly extended by personal arrangement.