The Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) is a central scientific unit of the Georg-August-University. CIDAS promotes interdisciplinary exchange and activities, among faculties and campus-wide, in the field of data science. This particularly applies to coordination and further development of activities in research, teaching and knowledge transfer.
Automated Cell Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence
A research study by Anwai Archit from the group of Constantin Pape at the Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) of the University of Göttingen has been featured in the latest issue of the journal Nature Methods.
The published paper presents an advancement of the AI model Segment Anything, now specifically optimized for analyzing microscopic image data under the name Segment Anything for Microscopy (SAM).
The software enables high-precision segmentation of cell and tissue structures without requiring researchers to manually draw contours or train their own AI models. This development could significantly accelerate and simplify the analysis of microscopy images.

In order to give excellent early-career researchers the opportunity to pursue their own innovative research questions in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, CIDAS awards fellowships to support these projects.

Within CIDAS, sections serve as subject-specific subsections for coordinating teaching, research, infrastructure, and services around thematic or disciplinary areas.

KISSKI is one of four AI service centers funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since November 2022. These AI service centers aim to advance AI research in Germany and promote widespread application-oriented knowledge transfer.

The CIDAS/Sartorius “Quantitative Cell Analytics Initiative” is a partnership between academic partners of the Göttingen Campus and the company Sartorius. The goal is to combine live-cell imaging with cutting-edge artificial intelligence in order to deepen our understanding of fundamental biological processes, explore therapeutic interventions, and ultimately develop new therapies.
The members of CIDAS conduct research in various areas of Data Science and digitalization. This encompasses both methodological and application-driven questions in Data Science, as well as investigations into the social science implications of digitalization.

The State and University Library of Göttingen coordinates a Carpentries workgroup for the Göttingen Campus…

This project develops interdisciplinary, university-wide online self-study courses for beginners and advanced learners…

As part of the liveSciences³ project, a wiki was created in collaboration with instructors from the life sciences…

The goal of the eLabour consortium is to establish a competence center that provides IT-based research infrastructure…

Within the framework of the eResearch Alliance, the University of Göttingen offers consulting, training, and service resources for research data management…

The CIDAS YouTube channel. Here you can find lectures, research highlights, talks, and more on the topic of Data Science ...

We offer students and doctoral candidates consulting services on statistical questions related to academic work ...

With this exhibition, CIDAS not only aims to share knowledge but also to spark curiosity, helping to break down any barriers related to AI and Data Science ...