Göttingen delegation visits universities in Shanghai and Nanjing
Dean of Studies Professor Dr Claudia Keser as well as Professor Dr Dr Fabian J. Froese, Philippa Dehning and Shanzi Xue from the Chair of Human Resource Management and Asian Business travelled to China from 18-23 June 2024 for a mutual exchange and to deepen the respective partnerships and exchange programmes with universities in Shanghai and Nanjing.
The Faculty of Business and Economics offers attractive exchange programmes for its students with Fudan University in Shanghai and Nanjing University Business School (NJUBS). As part of the Master's programme in Management, there is also a double degree programme with NJUBS, which was extended in spring 2024.
In addition, the Göttingen scientists co-organised the Eleventh International Symposium on Multinational Business Management (ISMBM 2024) at Nanjing University. Prof. Claudia Keser gave the keynote speech on the topic: "What can managers learn from behavioural economics - If anything?"
Yuan Pan, PhD, a former PhD student of the Chair of Human Resource Management and Asian Business, was honoured with the Best Paper Award for a paper co-authored with Prof. Fabian Froese and Shanzi Xue. In their study, they analysed employee commitment under AI-based performance evaluation.