Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice
Welcome to the homepage of the Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice at the University of Göttingen.
Welcome to the website of the Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice at the University of Göttingen.
The preservation and safeguarding of the highest of scientific quality standards in research and the fostering of an atmosphere of openness, creativity and dedication to achievement are of paramount importance for the University of Göttingen. In the realisation of these objectives, compliance with the principles of good research practice plays a pivotal role. Accordingly, the Ombuds Office - as an independent, cross-institutional institution of the University - supports the prevention of research misconduct, e.g. in the training of scholars, and offers confidential counselling in questions and conflicts related to good research practice.
In the following, you will find information on the recognized standards of good research practice and the functioning of the ombuds system of the University of Göttingen. Furthermore, references to current topics of good research practice, compilations of relevant documents as well as further (teaching) resources are provided.
Good Research Practice
- Good research practice - what is it about?
- Broschure "An Orientation Framework for Good Research Practice”
- Good research practice - issues of application
Guidelines of the University
- Rules Governing the Safeguarding of Good Research Practice (2021)
- Affiliation Policy (2023)
- Research data policy (2024)
- Open Access Policy (2024)
National Guidelines
- DFG-Code of Conduct: Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice (2019)
- Portal "Research Integrity" as third level of the DFG´s Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice
- Recommendations on Academic Integrity. Position Paper of the German Council of Science and Humanities (2015)
- Other national guidelines
International Guidelines
- The European Code for Research Integrity (2023)
- Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (2010)
- Montreal Statement on Research Integrity in Cross-Boundary Research Collaboration (2013)
- Hong Kong Manifesto for Assessing Researchers (2019)
- Other international guidelines
Guidance & Courses
Ombuds System at the University
Allegations of misconduct/conflicts about good research practice – whom to contact?
- Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice
- Ombudspersons/Ombuds Committee of the University
- Ombudspersons/Ombuds Committee of the Medical Faculty
- Joint Investigation Commission of the University
- Ombudspersons at Göttingen Campus
- Persons of trust in the faculties/graduate schools
- Doctoral students representatives
- Additional advisory offices
How does the ombuds system work?
- The University`s ombuds system at a glance
- FAQs about the ombuds system
- DFG-Rules of procedure for dealing with scientific misconduct (2018)
Other research integrity protecting institutions
- Ombuds Committee for Research Integrity in Germany
- Ombuds Committee of the German Psychological Society (DGPs)
- DFG Research Integrity Incident Reporting System