The aim of mentoring for young female academics is to support mentees who have a clear objective for their professional career and who show above-average commitment as academics in their field, both in terms of their subject and in terms of communicating the values and norms of the scientific community.
Prof Dr Yasemin Boztug and Prof Dr Susan Seeber, professors at the Faculty of Business and Economics, offer informal mentoring and are available for critical and constructive feedback on questions of professional and personal development as well as on issues relating to work-life balance.
The mentoring programme is open to all female early career researchers (doctoral candidates, postdocs and assistant professors/"Juniorprofessorinnen") at the faculty. The Faculty's Equal Opportunities Officer coordinates this programme. Please get in touch with her.
In addition, reference is made to the regular offers of the Dorothea-Schlözer-Programme for career development, soft skills expansion and permanent, continuous support by a mentor.
Equal Opportunities Officer
Dorothee Konings
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Room: Oec 2.146a
Tel. 0551 39-28807