- The analysis of the universe (06.06.2024)
- Long-period oscillations control the Sun’s differential rotation (02.04.2024)
- Dunkle Energie, schwarze Löcher und Exoplaneten aufspüren (26.10.2022)
- Suche nach erdähnlichen Planeten geht weiter (06.07.2020)
- Super-Earths discovered orbiting nearby red dwarf (25.06.2020)
- Mystery of solar cycle illuminated (25.06.2020/MPS)
- A mirror image of Earth and Sun (04.06.2020/ MPS)
- ELT MICADO Instrument Passes Preliminary Design Review (21.01.2020)
- What the helium tail of the exoplanet reveals (06.12.2018)
- Newly discovered planet sets Barnard's Star in motion (14.11.2018)
- A new twist on stellar rotation (20.09.2018/ MPS)
- Giant swirls on the Sun (07.05.2018)
- Researchers discover first inactive black hole in giant star cluster (17.01.2018)
- MUSE instrument allows deepest spectroscopic observations ever (15.01.2018)
- Magnetic coil springs accelerate particles on the Sun (10.01.2018)
- Rudolf Kippenhahn mit der Ehrenmitgliedschaft der Astronomischen Gesellschaft ausgezeichnet (22.12.2016/AG)
- Distant star is roundest object ever observed in nature (16.11.2016/MPS)
- Ausstellung zu Leben und Werk des Astrophysikers Karl Schwarzschild (01.09.2016)
- Planet found in habitable zone around nearest star (24.8.2016)
- Astrophysicist Dr. Martin Bo Nielsen receives price for PhD work (5.7.2016)
- Europäisches Riesenteleskop erhält modernsten Spektrografen (18.03.2016)
- Protection from the sun (17.03.2016)
- Follow a Live Planet Hunt! - Pale Red Dot campaign launched (15.01.2016)
- MICADO enters its Manufacturing Phase (15.05.2023)
- How will the ELT explore the Universe? (10.05.2023)
- Navigation auf hoher See (16.02.2023)
- Carmenes: 59 new planets discovered in four years (22.02.2023)
- Unser Auge im All
- Universe on tour
- The very first structures in the Universe (24.03.2021)
- Glowing hot super-Earth nearby (05.03.2021)
- In search of super-Earths: Spectrograph CRIRES+ at ESO's Very Large Telescope (15.02.2021)
- Cosmic web offers insights into the history of the Universe (18.03.2021)
- Breaking the warp barrier for faster-than-light travel (09.03.2021)
- The simultaneous merging of giant galaxies (21.11.2019)
- Giant exoplanet around tiny star challenges understanding of how planets form (27.09.2019)
- View of the earth in front of the sun (18.06.2019)
- 18 Earth-sized exoplanets discovered (22.05.2019)
- Astronomers discover 2,000-year-old remnant of a nova (29.04.2019)
- Partielle Mondfinsternis und Jubiläum der Mondlandung (02.07.2019/ MPS)
- New Edition of Solar System School (12.02.2019)
- Search for planets with Carmenes successful (18.12.2017)
- Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft in Göttingen (18.-22.09.2017)
- Inferno world with titanium skies (15.09.2017)
- Sofja Kovalevskaja prizewinner will establish new group at the Institute for Astrophysics Göttingen (07.09.2017)
- Cutting-edge Adaptive Optics Facility Sees First Light (02.08.2017/ESO)
- Freie Elektronen in Sonnen-Protuberanzen untersucht (25.07.2017)
- A new level of magnetic saturation (24.07.2017)
- Mit verbesserter Optik auf der Suche nach Dunkler Energie 13.04.2017)
- In search of Earth-like planets (31.03.2017)
- The analysis of the universe (06.06.2024)
- Long-period oscillations control the Sun’s differential rotation (02.04.2024)
- MICADO enters its Manufacturing Phase (15.05.2023)
- How will the ELT explore the Universe? (10.05.2023)
- Navigation auf hoher See (16.02.2023)
- Carmenes: 59 new planets discovered in four years (22.02.2023)
- Unser Auge im All
- Universe on tour
- The very first structures in the Universe (24.03.2021)
- Glowing hot super-Earth nearby (05.03.2021)
- In search of super-Earths: Spectrograph CRIRES+ at ESO's Very Large Telescope (15.02.2021)
- Cosmic web offers insights into the history of the Universe (18.03.2021)
- Breaking the warp barrier for faster-than-light travel (09.03.2021)
- Suche nach erdähnlichen Planeten geht weiter (06.07.2020)
- Super-Earths discovered orbiting nearby red dwarf (25.06.2020)
- Mystery of solar cycle illuminated (25.06.2020/MPS)
- A mirror image of Earth and Sun (04.06.2020/ MPS)
- ELT MICADO Instrument Passes Preliminary Design Review (21.01.2020)
- The simultaneous merging of giant galaxies (21.11.2019)
- Giant exoplanet around tiny star challenges understanding of how planets form (27.09.2019)
- View of the earth in front of the sun (18.06.2019)
- 18 Earth-sized exoplanets discovered (22.05.2019)
- Astronomers discover 2,000-year-old remnant of a nova (29.04.2019)
- Partielle Mondfinsternis und Jubiläum der Mondlandung (02.07.2019/ MPS)
- New Edition of Solar System School (12.02.2019)
- What the helium tail of the exoplanet reveals (06.12.2018)
- Newly discovered planet sets Barnard's Star in motion (14.11.2018)
- A new twist on stellar rotation (20.09.2018/ MPS)
- Giant swirls on the Sun (07.05.2018)
- Researchers discover first inactive black hole in giant star cluster (17.01.2018)
- MUSE instrument allows deepest spectroscopic observations ever (15.01.2018)
- Magnetic coil springs accelerate particles on the Sun (10.01.2018)
- Search for planets with Carmenes successful (18.12.2017)
- Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft in Göttingen (18.-22.09.2017)
- Inferno world with titanium skies (15.09.2017)
- Sofja Kovalevskaja prizewinner will establish new group at the Institute for Astrophysics Göttingen (07.09.2017)
- Cutting-edge Adaptive Optics Facility Sees First Light (02.08.2017/ESO)
- Freie Elektronen in Sonnen-Protuberanzen untersucht (25.07.2017)
- A new level of magnetic saturation (24.07.2017)
- Mit verbesserter Optik auf der Suche nach Dunkler Energie 13.04.2017)
- In search of Earth-like planets (31.03.2017)
- Rudolf Kippenhahn mit der Ehrenmitgliedschaft der Astronomischen Gesellschaft ausgezeichnet (22.12.2016/AG)
- Distant star is roundest object ever observed in nature (16.11.2016/MPS)
- Ausstellung zu Leben und Werk des Astrophysikers Karl Schwarzschild (01.09.2016)
- Planet found in habitable zone around nearest star (24.8.2016)
- Astrophysicist Dr. Martin Bo Nielsen receives price for PhD work (5.7.2016)
- Europäisches Riesenteleskop erhält modernsten Spektrografen (18.03.2016)
- Protection from the sun (17.03.2016)
- Follow a Live Planet Hunt! - Pale Red Dot campaign launched (15.01.2016)