Department of Structural Geology and Geothermics

Department of Structural Geology and Geothermics

Welcome to the website of the department of structural geology and geothermics!

Our research covers the deformation of rocks in the earth's crust, from the crystal lattice scale to the scale of mountain belts. We study how rock deformation interacts with and is influenced by other processes such as fluid and heatflow. We also apply basic research to aid the development of geothermal energy and the preservation of natural stones.

We study deformation processes using a combination of small-scale lab experiments, computer models of mountain belts and sedimentary basins and fieldwork in our own backyard (central Europe) and many other places of the world, such as Scandinavia, the Alps, South America and Central Asia. We run state of the art rock mechanics and rock texture labs.

Please check out our research page and lab page for more information. We are always interested in scientific cooperation, please contact one of our researchers if you would like to work with us.

We teach parts of the bachelors and masters geoscience curricula, where we cover many aspects of structural geology and geothermics and links to other disciplines, such as hydrogeology and sedimentology. We run excursions to Southern Africa, Italy, the Swiss Jura and other geologically exciting places. Check out our teaching section for more information.

Departmentphoto Februar 2025