Basnet P, Das S, Hölscher D, Pierick K, Seidel D (2025): Drivers of forest structural complexity in mountain forests of Nepal. Mountain Research and Development 45 (1). DOI:10.1659/mrd.2024.00009
Kacic P, Gessner U, Hakkenberg CR, Holzwarth S, Müller J, Pierick K, Seidel D, Thonfeld F, Torresani M, Kuenzer C (2025) Characterizing local forest structural complexity based on multi-platform and -sensor derived indicators. Ecological Indicators 170: 113085. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2025.113085
Appleby S, Bebre I, Riebl H, Balkenhol N, Seidel D (2024) Linking small mammal capture probability with understory structural complexity using mobile laser scanning-derived metrics: a case study. Ecological Research 1-8. DOI:10.1111/1440-1703.12447
Donfack LS, Mund M, Koebsch F, Schall P, Heidenreich MG, Seidel D, Ammer C (2024) Linking sap flow and tree water deficit in an unmanaged, mixed beech forest during the summer drought 2022. Plant Biology 13754, DOI:10.1111/plb.13754
Dorji Y, Iasa E, Pierick K, Cabral JS, Tobgay T, Annighöfer P, Schuldt B, Seidel D (2024): Insights into the relationship between hydraulic safety, hydraulic efficiency and tree structural complexity from terrestrial laser scanning and fractal analysis. Trees DOI:10.1007/s00468-023-02479-1
Mathes T, Seidel D, Klemmt HJ, Thom D, Annighöfer P (2024): The effect of forest structure on drought stress in beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.). Forest Ecology and Management 554: 121667. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121667
Heidenreich M G, Höwler K, Seidel D (2024) Towards an objective assessment of tree vitality: a case study based on 3D laser scanning. Trees. DOI:10.1007/s00468-024-02525-6
Henrich J, Van Delden J, Ecker A, Seidel D, Kneib T (2024) TreeLearn: A Comprehensive Deep Learning Method for Segmenting Individual Trees from Forest Point Clouds. Ecological Informatics 84: 102888. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102888
Höwler K, Vallebuona N, Wern T, Ammer C, Seidel D (2024) Structural reorganization in beech forests in central Germany as response to drought-induced mortality in the overstory. Trees, Forests and People 15: 100506. DOI:10.1111/ele.14336
Kikuchi T, Seidel D, Ehbrecht M, Zemp D C, Brambach F, Irawan B, ... Paterno G B (2024). Combining planting trees and natural regeneration promotes long-term structural complexity in oil palm landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management, 569, 122182. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122182
Montoya-Sanchez V, Camarretta N, Ehbrecht M, Schlund M, Paterno GB, Seidel D, Guerrero-Ramírez N, Brambach F, Hölscher D, Kreft H, Irawan B, Sundawati L, Zemp CD (2024) Comparing airborne and terrestrial LiDAR with ground-based inventory metrics of vegetation structural complexity in oil palm agroforests. Ecological Indicators 112306, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112306
Robinson D G, Ammer C, Polle A, Bauhus J, Aloni R, Annighöfer P, ... Seidel D, …, Näsholm T (2024). Mother trees, altruistic fungi, and the perils of plant personification. Trends in Plant Science 29 (1): 20-31. DOI:10.1016/j.tplants.2023.08.010
Penanhoat A, Guerrero Ramirez N, Aubry-Kientz M, Diekmann L, Paligi S, Audisio M, Mrak K, Seidel D (2024) Effect of competition intensity and neighbour identity on architectural traits of Fagus sylvatica. Trees DOI:10.1007/s00468-024-02544-3
Seliger A, Ammer C, Kreft H, Seidel D, Zerbe S (2024): Drivers of tree regeneration in coniferous monocultures during conversion to mixed forests in Central Europe – implications for forest restoration management. Forest Ecosystems DOI:10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100244
Soto D P, Seidel D, Hernández-Moreno Á, Puettmann K J, Donoso P J (2024). Increase in forest structural complexity along a precipitation gradient is mediated by partial harvests in temperate Patagonian forests. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 13656. DOI:10.1038/s41598-024-64523-5
Wildermuth B, Penanhoat A, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Matevski D, Drescher J, Aubry-Kientz M, Seidel D, Schuldt A (2024). Canopy structure influences arthropod communities within and beyond tree identity effects: Insights from combining LiDAR data, insecticidal fogging and machine learning regression modelling. Ecological Indicators, 160, 111901. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.111901
Gossmann A, Ambrozova L, Scizek L, Drag L, Georgiev K, Neudam L, Perlik M, Seidel D, Thorn S (2023): Habitat openness and predator abundance determine predation risk of warningly coloured longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) in temperate forest. Journal of Insect Science 23 (2): 16 DOI:10.1093/jisesa/iead027
Mathes T, Seidel D, Annighöfer P (2023) Response to extreme events: do morphological differences affect the ability of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) to resist drought stress? Forestry 96-3, 355-371, DOI:10.1093/forestry/cpac056
Mathes T, Seidel D, Häberle K-H, Pretzsch H, Annighöfer P (2023) What are we missing? Occlusion in laser scanning point clouds and its impact on the detection of single tree morphologies and stand structural variables. Remote Sensing 15, 450, DOI:10.3390/rs15020450
Müller J, Mitesser O, Cadotte M W, van der Plas F, Mori A S, Ammer C, Chao A, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Baldrian P, Bässler C, Biedermann P, Cesarz S, Claßen A, Delory B M, Feldhaar H, Fichtner A, Hothorn T, Kuenzer C, Peters M K, Pierick K, Schmitt T, Schuldt B, Seidel D, Six D, Steffan-Dewenter I, Thorn S, von Oheimb G, Wegmann M, Weisser W W, Eisenhauer, N. (2023) Enhancing the structural diversity between forest patches - A concept and real-world experiment to study biodiversity, multifunctionality and forest resilience across spatial scales. Global Change Biology, 29, 1437-1450. DOI:10.1111/gcb.16564
Neudam L, Fuchs JM, Mjema E, Johannmeier A, Ammer C, Annighöfer P, Paul C, Seidel D (2023). Simulation of silvicultural treatments based on real 3D forest data from mobile laser scanning point clouds. Trees, Forests and People 11: 100372. DOI:10.1016/j.tfp.2023.100372
Neudam L, Höwler K, Seidel D (2023). Stem shape and structural complexity change in beech forests along a management gradient. Forest Ecology and Management, 549, 121473. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121473
Perlík M, Kraus D, Bußler H, Neudam L, Pietsch S, Mergner U, Seidel D, Sebek P, Thorn S (2023): Canopy openness as the main driver of aculeate Hymenoptera and saproxylic beetle diversity following natural disturbances and salvage logging. Forest Ecology and Management 540: 121033. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121033
Seidel D, Ammer C (2023): Towards a causal understanding of the relationship between structural complexity, productivity, and adaptability of forests based on principles of thermodynamics. Forest Ecology and Management 544: 121238. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121238
Seidel D, Böttger FA (2023): How biomass and other tree architectural characteristics relate to the structural complexity of a beech-pine forest. iForest-Biogeoscience and Forestry 16: 368-376. DOI:10.3832/ifor4305-016
Wildermuth B, Dönges C, Matevski D, Penanhoat A, Seifert C, Seidel D, Scheu S, Schuldt A (2023): Tree species identity, canopy structure and prey availability differentially affect canopy spider diversity and trophic composition. Oecologia DOI:10.1007/s00442-023-05447-1
Annighöfer P, Mund M, Seidel D, Ammer C, Ameztegui A, Balandier P, Bebre I, Coll L, Collet C, Hamm T, Huth F, Schneider H, Kuehne C, Löf M, Petritan AM, Petritan IC, Schall P, Bauhus J (2022) Examination of aboveground attributes to predict belowground biomass of young trees. Forest Ecology and Management 505: 119942. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119942
Heidenreich M, Seidel D (2022): Assessing forest vitality using 3D data on tree and forest structure: a case study from the Hainich National Park, Germany. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change-Temporal and Boreal Forests. DOI:10.3389/ffgc.2022.929106
Höwler K, Seidel D, Krenn T, Berthold D, Ehbrecht M, Müller J, Kietz B (2022) Evaluation of Softwood Timber Quality - A Case Study on Two Silvicultural Systems in Central Germany. Forests 13, 1910. DOI:10.3390/f13111910
Müller J, Mitesser O, Cadotte M W, van der Plas F, Mori A S, Ammer C, Chao A, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Baldrian P, Bässler C, Biedermann P, Cesarz S, Claßen A, Delory B M, Feldhaar H, Fichtner A, Hothorn T, Kuenzer C, Peters M K, Pierick K, Seidel D, ... Eisenhauer N (2022) Enhancing the structural diversity between forest patches - A concept and real-world experiment to study biodiversity, multifunctionality and forest resilience across spatial scales. Global Change Biology, 00, 1-14. DOI:10.1111/gcb.16564
Neudam L, Annighöfer P, Seidel D (2022) Exploring the Potential of Mobile Laser Scanning to Quantify Forest Structural Complexity. Frontiers in Remote Sensing. DOI:10.3389/frsen.2022.861337
Soto D P, Salas-Eljatib C, Donoso P J, Hernández-Moreno A, Seidel D, D’Amato AW (2022): Impacts of varying precipitation regimes upon the structure, spatial patterns, and productivity of Nothofagus pumilio-dominated old-growth forests in Patagonia. Forest Ecology and Management 524: 120519 DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120519
Willim K, Ammer C, Seidel D, Annighöfer P, Schmucker J, Schall P, Ehbrecht M (2022) Short - term dynamics of structural complexity in differently managed and unmanaged European beech forests. Trees, Forests and People 8: 100231 DOI:10.1016/j.tfp.2022.100231
Annighöfer P, Stiers M, Seidel D, Willim K, Neudam L, Ammer C (2021) Über die Quantifizierbarkeit der 100-jährigen Dauerwaldidee. Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift/Der Wald 76 (1): 23-27
Arseniou G, MacFarlane D W, Seidel D (2021) Woody Surface Area Measurements with Terrestrial Laser Scanning Relate to the Anatomical and Structural Complexity of Urban Trees. Remote Sensing 13, 3153. DOI:10.3390/rs13163153
Burkardt K, Ammer C, Seidel D, Vor T (2021) Differences in stem form and bark anomalies of northern red oak trees in forest stands in Canada and Germany. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51: 1732-1739. DOI:10.1139/cjfr-2020-0497
Burkardt K, Pettenkofer T, Ammer C, Gailing O, Leinemann L, Seidel D, Vor T (2021) Influence of heterozygosity and competition on morphological tree characteristics of Quercus rubra L. - a new single-tree based approach. New Forests 52: 679-695, DOI:10.1007/s11056-020-09814-1
Dorji Y, Schuldt B, Neudam L, Dorji R, Middleby K, Isasa E, Körber K, Ammer C, Annighöfer P, Seidel D (2021) New insights into tree architecture from mobile laser scanning and geometry analysis. Trees- Structure and Function 35: 1385-1398. DOI:10.1007/s00468-021-02124-9
Ehbrecht M, Seidel D, Annighöfer P, Kreft H, Köhler M, Zemp DC, Puettmann K, Nilus R, Babweteera F, Willim K, Stiers M, Soto D, Boehmer HJ, Fisichelli, Burnett M, Juday G, Stephens S, Ammer C (2021) Global patterns and climatic controls of forest structural complexity. Nature Communications: 12:519, DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-20767-z
Höwler K, Vor T, Schall P, Annighöfer P, Seidel D, Ammer C (2021) Distribution of the timber quality attribute ‘knot surface’ in logs of Fagus sylvatica L. from pure and mixed forest stands. European Journal of Forest Research. DOI:10.1007/s10342-021-01378-9
Rebola-Lichtenberg J, Streit J, Schall P, Ammer C, Seidel D (2021) From facilitation to competition: the effect of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) on the growth performance of four poplar hybrids (Populus spp.) in mixed short rotation coppice. New Forests 52: 639-656. DOI:10.1007/s11056-020-09813-2
Seidel D, Annighöfer P, Thielman A, Seifert Q, Thauer J-H, Glatthorn J, Ehbrecht M, Kneib T, Ammer C (2021) Predicting tree species from 3D laser scanning point clouds using deep learning. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 635440. DOI:10.3389/fpls.2021.635440
Seidel D, Stiers M, Ehbrecht M, Werning M, Annighöfer P (2021) On the structural complexity of central European agroforestry systems- A quantitative assessment using terrestrial laser scanning in single-scan mode. Agroforestry systems 95: 669-685, DOI:DOI:10.1007/s10457-021-00620-y
Seidel D, Soto DP, Annighöfer PJ, Ehbrecht M, Willim K, Ammer C (2021) Drivers of shrublayer complexity in absence of management. Remote Sensing 13: 1513. DOI:10.3390/rs13081513
Bebre I, Annighöfer P, Ammer C, Seidel D (2020) Growth, morphology, and biomass allocation of recently planted seedlings of seven European tree species along a light gradient. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 13: 261-269. DOI:10.3832/ifor3370-013
Juchhheim J, Ehbrecht M, Schall P, Ammer C, Seidel D (2020) Effect of tree species mixing on stand structural complexity. Forestry 93: 75-83. DOI:10.1093/forestry/cpz046
Rebola‑Lichtenberg J, Streit J, Schall P, Ammer C, Seidel D (2020) From facilitation to competition: the effect of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) on the growth performance of four poplar‑hybrids (Populus spp.) in mixed short rotation coppice. New Forests, DOI:10.1007/s11056-020-09813-2
Seidel D, Annighöfer P, Ehbrecht M, Magdon P, Wölauer S, Ammer C (2020) Deriving Stand Structural Complexity from Airborne Laser Scanning Data - What Does It Tell Us about a Forest? Remote Sensing 12: 1854. DOI:10.3390/rs12111854
Stiers M, Annighöfer P, Seidel D, Willim K, Neudam L, Ammer C (2020): Quantifying the target state of forest stands managed with the continuous cover approach - revisiting Möller's “Dauerwald” concept after 100 years. Trees, Forests and People (1): 100004. DOI:10.1016/j.tfp.2020.100004
Willim K, Stiers M, Annighöfer P, Ehbrecht M, Ammer C, Seidel D (2020) Spatial Patterns of Structural Complexity in Differently Managed and Unmanaged Beech-Dominated Forests in Central Europe. Remote Sensing 12: 1907.
Annighöfer P, Seidel D, Ammer C, Stephens S L, York R A (2019) Silvicultural implications from analyzing light induced height growth development of eight North American juvenile tree species in mixed-conifer forests. Forestry 92: 616-626. DOI: 10.1093/forestry/cpz038
Annighöfer P, Seidel D, Mölder A, Ammer C (2019) Advanced aboveground spatial analysis as proxy for the competitive environment affecting sapling development. Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (690): 1-12. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00690
Awad A, Majcherczyk A, Schall P, Schröter K, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Ehbrecht M, Boch S, Kahl T, Bauhus J, Seidel D, Ammer C, Fischer M, Kües U, Pena R (2019) Ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic soil fungal biomass are driven by different factors and vary among broadleaf and coniferous temperate forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 131: 9-18. DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.12.014
Burkardt K, Annighöfer P, Seidel D, Ammer C, Vor T (2019) Intraspecific Competition Affects Crown and Stem Characteristics of Non-Native Quercus rubra L. Stands in Germany. Forests 10(846): 1-15. DOI:10.3390/f10100846
Dorji Y, Annighöfer P, Ammer C, Seidel D (2019): Response of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees to competition- new insights from using fractal analysis. Remote Sensing 11 (22): 2656. DOI:10.3390/rs11222656
Ehbrecht M, Schall P, Ammer C, Seidel D (2019) Effects of structural heterogeneity on the diurnal temperature range in temperate forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management 432: 860-867, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2018.10.008
Fehrmann L, Kukunda CB, Nölke N, Schnell S, Seidel D, Magnussen S, Kleinn C (2019) A unified framework for land cover monitoring based on a discrete global sampling grid (GSG). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191:46. DOI:10.1007/s10661-018-7152-y
Höwler K, Vor T, Seidel D, Annighöfer P, Ammer C (2019) Analyzing effects of intra- and interspecific competition on timber quality attributes of Fagus sylvatica L. - from quality assessments on standing trees to sawn boards. European Journal of Forest Research 327-343. DOI:10.1007/s10342-019-01173-7
Röll A, Niu F, Meijide A, Ehbrecht M, Guillaume T, Gunawan D, Hardanto A, Hendrayanto, Kreft H, Kuzyakow Y, Nomura M, Polle A, Rembold K, Sahner J, Seidel D, Knohl A, Hölscher D (2019): Transpiration on the rebound in lowland Sumatra. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 274: 160-171. DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.04.017
Seidel D, Annighöfer P, Stiers M, Zemp C D, Burkardt K, Ehbrecht M, Willim K, Kreft H, Hölscher D, Ammer C (2019): How a measure of structural complexity relates to architectural benefit-to-cost ratio, light availability and growth of trees. Ecology and Evolution 00:1-9. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5281
Seidel D, Ehbrecht M, Annighöfer P, Ammer C (2019) From tree to stand-level structural complexity - Which properties make a forest stand complex? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 278: 107699. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107699
Seidel D, Ehbrecht M, Dorji Y, Jambay J, Ammer C, Annighöfer P (2019): Identifying architectural characteristics that determine tree structural complexity. Trees – Structure and Function 33: 911-919. DOI:10.1007/s00468-019-01827-4
Stiers M, Willim K, Seidel D, Ammer C, Kabal M, Stillhard J, Annighöfer P (2019) Analyzing spatial distribution patterns of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) regeneration in dependence of canopy openings. Forests 10: 637. DOI:10.3390/f10080637
Willim K, Stiers M, Annighöfer P, Ehbrecht M, Kabal M, Ammer C, Seidel D (2019): Assessing understory complexity in beech-dominated forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Central Europe- from managed to primary forests. Sensors 19 (7): 1684. DOI:10.3390/s19071684
Ammer C, Fichtner A, Fischer A, Gossner M M, Meyer P, Seidl R, Thomas F M, Annighöfer P, Kreyling J, Ohse B, Berger U, Feldmann E, Häberle K-H, Heer K, Heinrichs S, Huth F, Krämer-Klement K, Mölder A, Müller J, Mund M, Opgenoorth L, Schall P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Seidel D, Vogt J, Wagner S (2018) Key ecological research questions for Central European forests. Basic and Applied Ecology 32: 3-25
Hoffmann N, Seidel D, Ammer C, Leder B, Vor T (2018) Quantifizierung der Zuwachsreaktion fremdländischer Baumarten auf Konkurrenz und Freistellungsmaßnahmen. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 189: 57-87 DOI:10.23765/afjz0002021
Seidel D, Annighöfer P, Ehbrecht M, Ammer C, Schall P (2018) Applying fractal analysis to stem distribution maps. Ecological Indicators 93: 243-246. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.05.016
Seidel D, Hähn N, Annighöfer P, Benten A, Vor T, Ammer C (2018) Assessment of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) - vehicle accident hotspots with respect to the location of "trees outside forest" along roadsides. Applied Geography 93 (2018): 76-80. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2018.02.015
Stiers M, Willim K, Seidel D, Ehbrecht M, Kabal M, Ammer C, Annighöfer P (2018) A quantitative comparison of the structural complexity of managed, lately unmanaged and primary European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests. Forest Ecology and Management 430: 357-365. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.08.039
Ehbrecht M, Schall P, Ammer C, Seidel D (2017) Quantifying stand structural complexity and its relationship with forest management, tree species diversity and microclimate. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 242: 1-9
Höwler, K, Annighöfer P, Ammer C, Seidel D (2017) Competition improves quality-related external stem characteristics of Fagus sylvatica L. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47: 1603-1613
Juchheim J, Ammer C, Schall P, Seidel D (2017) Canopy space filling rather than conventional measures of structural diversity explains productivity of beech stands. Forest Ecology and Management 395: 19-26
Juchheim J, Annighöfer P, Ammer C, Calders K, Raumonen P, Seidel D (2017): How management intensity and neighborhood composition affect the morphology of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees. Trees – Structure and Function 31: 1723-1735. DOI 10.1007/s00468-017-1581-z
Seidel D (2017): A holistic approach to determine tree structural complexity based on laser scanning data and fractal analysis. Ecology and Evolution 8 (1): 128–134
Seidel D, Ehbrecht M, Juchheim J, Schall P, Ammer C (2017): Terrestrisches Laserscanning erfasst komplexe Waldstrukturen. AFZ der Wald 17/2017 p. 25-28
Ehbrecht M, Schall P, Juchheim J, Ammer C, Seidel D (2016) Effective number of layers: a new measure for quantifying vertical stand structure based on terrestrial LiDAR. Forest Ecology and Management 380: 212-223
Seidel D, Ehbrecht M, Puettmann K (2016) Assessing different components of three-dimensional forest structure with single-scan terrestrial laser scanning: a case study. Forest Ecology and Management 381: 196-208
Seidel D, Ruzicka K, Puettmann K (2016) Canopy gaps affect the shape of Douglas- fir crowns in the western Cascades, Oregon. Forest Ecology and Management 363: 31-38
Seidel D, Ammer C, Puettmann K (2015): Describing forest canopy gaps efficiently and objectively: New prospects through the use of terrestrial laser scanning. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 213: 23-32
Seidel D, Ammer C (2015): Supporting the use of woody energy crops through efficient stand assessment via terrestrial laser scanning. In: Butler-Manning D, Bemmann A, Bredemeier M, Lamerdorf N, Ammer C (2015): Bioenergy from Dendromass for the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas. (Eds.). 1. Edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. Germany. 576p. ISBN: 978-3-527-33764-4
Seidel D, Schall P, Gille M, Ammer C (2015): Physical dimensions of Fagus sylvatica crowns and their relationship to tree growth. iForest- Biogeoscience and Forestry. DOI: 10.3832/ifor1566-008
Hajek P, Seidel D, Leuschner C (2015): Mechanical abrasion, and not competition for light, is the dominant canopy interaction in a temperate mixed forest. Forest Ecology and Management 348: 108-116
Seidel D, Busch G, Krause B, Bade C, Fessel C, Kleinn C (2015): Quantification of production potentials from woody biomass outside forests- a case study from Central Germany. Bioenergy Research doi: 10.1007/s12155-015-9596-z
Seidel D, Hoffmann N, Ehbrecht M, Juchheim J, Ammer C (2015). How neighborhood affects tree diameter increment- new insights from terrestrial laser scanning and some methodical considerations. Forest Ecology and Management 336: 119-128
Nölke N, Fehrmann L, Surati Jaya I N, Tiryana T, Seidel D, Kleinn C (2015): On geometry and allometry of big buttress trees - a challenge for forest monitoring: new insights from 3D modeling with terrestrial laser scanning. iForest- Biogeoscience and Forestry doi: 10.3832/ifor1449-007
Fehrmann L, Seidel D, Krause B, Kleinn C (2014): Sampling for landscape elements - A case study from Lower Saxony, Germany. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 168 (3): 1421-1430.
Seidel D, Ammer C (2014): Efficient measurements of basal area in short rotation forests based on terrestrial laser scanning under special consideration of shadowing. iForest- Biogeoscience and Forestry 7, 227-232. DOI: 10.3832/ifor1084-007
Beckschäfer P, Seidel D, Kleinn C, Xu J (2013): On the exposure of hemispherical photographs. iForest- Biogeoscience and Forestry 6: 228-237; DOI: 10.3832/ifor0957-006.
Müller-Haubold H, Hertel D, Seidel D, Knutzen F, Leuschner C (2013): Climate responses of aboveground productivity and allocation in Fagus sylvatica: a transect study in mature forests. Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-013-9698-4.
Metz J, Seidel D Scheffer D, Schulze E-D, Ammer C (2013): Crown modeling by terrestrial laser scanning as an approach to assess the effect of aboveground intra- and interspecific competition on tree growth. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 275-288. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.08.014
Seidel D, Leuschner C, Scherber C, Beyer F, Wommelsdorf T, Cashman MJ, Fehrmann L (2013): The relationship between tree species richness, canopy space exploration and productivity in a temperate broad-leaf mixed forest. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 366-374.
Seidel D, Albert K, Ammer C, Fehrmann L, Kleinn C (2013): Using terrestrial laser scanning to support biomass estimation in densely stocked young tree plantations. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (24): 8699-8709.
Seidel D, Leuschner C, Fleck S (2012): Analyzing forest canopies with ground-based laser scanning: a comparison with hemispherical photography. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 154-155, Pages 1-8; DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.10.006.
Seidel D, Albert K, Fehrmann L, Ammer C (2012): The potential of terrestrial laser scanning for the estimation of understory biomass in coppice-with-standard systems. Biomass and Bioenergy; Volume 47, Pages 20-25; DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.10.009.
Seidel D, Fleck S, Leuschner C, Hammett T (2011): Review of ground based methods to measure the distribution of biomass in forest canopies. Annals of Forest Science: Volume 68, Issue 2, Pages 225-244; DOI 10.1007/s13595-011-0040-z.
Seidel D, Leuschner C, Müller A, Krause B (2011): Crown plasticity in mixed forests - quantifying asymmetry as a measure of competition using terrestrial laser scanning. Forest Ecology and Management Volume 261, Issue 11, Pages 2123-2132; DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2011.03.008.
Vockenhuber E, Scherber C, Langenbruch C, Meißner M, Seidel D, Tscharntke T (2011): Tree diversity and environmental context predict herb species richness cover in Germany´s largest connected deciduous forest. Perspectives in Plant ecology, Evolution and Systematics Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 111-119; DOI: 10.1016/j.ppees.2011.02.004.
Clough Y, Barkmann J, Juhrbandt J, Kessler M, Wanger TC, Anshary A, Buchori D, Cicuzza D, Darras K, Putra DD, Erasmi S, Pitopang R, Schmidt C, Schulze C-H, Seidel D, Dewenter IS, Stenchly K, Vidal S, Weist M, Wielgoss AC, Tscharntke T (2011): Combining high biodiversity with high yields in tropical agroforests. PNAS Volume 108, Issue 20, 8311-8316; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1016799108.
Seidel D, Beyer F, Hertel D, Fleck S, Leuschner C (2011): 3D-laser scanning: a non-destructive method for studying above- ground biomass and growth of juvenile trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology; Volume 151, Issue 10, Pages 1305-1311; DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.05.013.
Seidel D, Beyer F, Hertel D, Fleck S, Leuschner C (2010): 3D- Laserscanning-Ein nicht-destruktives Verfahren zur oberirdischen Biomassenanalyse, S.156. In: Forstwissenschaften: Grundlage nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung. Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung, September 22-24, 2010- Göttingen. Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen. ISBN: 978-3-86955-482-2.
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