About Us
Migration is one of the most pressing and complex issues of the 21st century. The Centre for Global Migration Studies (CeMig) brings together scholars of Göttingen Campus from six different faculties, plus the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (MPI-MMG).
The participating faculties include:
- The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
- The Faculty of Business and Economics
- The Faculty of Humanities (in charge)
- The Faculty of Law
- The Faculty of Social Sciences
- The Faculty of Theology
History of CeMig
CeMig was founded in light of the developments occurring with the so-called European ‘refugee crisis’ of 2015. It initially started as ‘Network for Global Migration Studies’ to launch a dialogue among and provide an interdisciplinary exchange forum for academics at the University of Göttingen. Together, they also intended to meet the increased demand for political expertise on migration and refugee policies. CeMig was officially launched in June 2018, during the course of the opening conference "Migration as a Global Challenge" held at the University of Göttingen.
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Read more about our privacy policyProf. Dr. Sabine Hess and Prof. Dr. Anja Jetschke presented CeMig at its opening conference.
Our Objective
CeMig studies the complex challenges of migration under very different thematic and regional foci, that by engaging in interdisciplinary collaboration and by pooling together diverse methodological approaches.
CeMig’s distinguishing approach is that it analyses migration on a global scale. Apart from projects on Germany, research relates to countries of the Middle East (Jordan, Turkey), South, East and Southeast Asia (especially China, India, Japan, Korea), Oceania (especially the Central Pacific), Africa (especially West Africa) and Central America. This global perspective helps to systematically compare migration and refugee policies and experiences, and to put European migration issues into perspective. It allows CeMig to provide sound answers to the diverse social, political, cultural and economic challenges associated with the governing of migration flows worldwide and the shaping of (post-)migrant societies in Germany and elsewhere.
Tasks and Activities
CeMig strengthens research and teaching in the area of Migration Studies in addition to establishing innovative forms of knowledge transfer. It contributes to public debates, and facilitates the inclusion in the discussion of stakeholders from civil society, politics, industry and business. The expressed aims of CeMig are:
Research: Connecting the existing research expertise of different faculties and institutes at Göttingen Campus, and generating synergies from different disciplinary and methodological approaches.
Cooperation and Network: Further development of research partnerships at Göttingen Campus as well as within the regional, national and international research landscapes.
Education and Teaching: Building a forum and network for early-career scholars and exemplifying migration-themed lectures and seminars to enable more comprehensive, interest-led research in the field of Migration Studies.
Events and Outreach: Promoting knowledge transfer and further establishing relations to practitioners and stakeholders. To communicate research findings, CeMig has developed its own paper series.