Faculties and staff support
You log on to your PC with a user account provided by the GWDG.
If the login does not work, check the following points:
- Check if you have an existing network connection. For deskotp PCs the LAN cable must be plugged in.
- Log in hierto check if your password works.
A laptop must either be in a docking station, which also requires a LAN stack or an existing WLAN connection.

If the globe is displayed, there is currently no connection to the Internet, if the small computer is displayed, the PC has Internet via Ethernet cable, if the circle sector icon is displayed, it has a WLAN connection.
First, check if you have an existing Internet and VPN connection.
The registration takes place with GWDG\Username or UG-STUDENT\Username and your Passwort.
Please make sure that you have gone through the instructions correctly step by step. The smallest deviations from the process lead to malfunctions.
Once you have selected theinstructions for your operating system, you can jump to the "Connect local folders" item.
Please refer to the notes for mobile working. For working in the home office, the software Cisco AnyConnect is installed on all notebooks installed by the WiSo computer center, with which you can establish aVPN-connection to the university network:

The display name of an email can unfortunately be chosen arbitrarily, like the sender of a letter. The email address indicates that it is not a university address. The safest thing to do is to sign emails. For this you can get an email/user certificate. Signed emails then get a "seal" in Outlook if the signature is valid.

It is also possible to check more in detail the certificate by clicking on this seal when the mail is opened.

In addition, the certificate can then also be used to sign PDF/Office files and thus prevent/detect manipulation/modification of the file.
We would be happy to create such a certificate for you. For this purpose please send an e-mail to mailto:support@wiso.uni-goettingen.de
We can then also support you in setting up the certificate in Outlook.
Further information on the topic is also available on the GWDG website: https://docs.gwdg.de/doku.php?id=de:services:it_security:email_security:malicious_email_check https://www.gwdg.de/de/support/security-instructions
The required settings when picking up via the link in the email are attached in the image.

or as text information here:
- Please select 3 years for "Certificate Term"
- Please select RSA-4096 for "Key Type"
- Please enter a password at "Password" that you can remember well and repeat it at "Confirm Pasword". With this password the certificate file is protected
- Please click the checkbox in front of "I have read..."
- The Sectigo EULA will then appear, which you confirm by clicking on the "Accept" button. Finally, please click on the "Submit" button.
- After that you can download the certificate. You need the certificate with the extension ".p12".
The WLAN Bürgschaft is a guest access to the network of the University of Göttingen. Guidance for guests to theWlan guarentee.
Information about the software kiosk can be found here.
Software and description for interface testing dates. What do you need:
- UniVZ access: institution administrator, ideally with write access for all events for which you coordinate exam dates
- FlexNow user (GWDG user)
- Activation for the interface -> Please send your access data "GWDG user" and IP address of the computer by mail to Flexnow@uni-goettingen.de
Software and description für Schnittstelle Prüfungstermine. Was benötigen Sie:
- UniVZ-Zugang: Einrichtungsadministrator, idealerweise mit Schreibrechten für alle Veranstaltungen für die Sie Prüfungstermine koordinieren
- FlexNow- Benutzer (GWDG Benutzer)
- Freischaltung für die Schnittstelle -> Schicken Sie bitte Ihre Zugangsdaten "GWDG Benutzer" und IP Adresse des Rechner per Mail an Flexnow@uni-goettingen.de
Outlook Web App (OWA) If no suitable e-mail client is available for the connection to the Exchange Server of the GWDG, access via the web interface OWA (Outlook Web App) is recommended.
To access your e-mails with OWA, call the link Link https://email.gwdg.de to.
When logging in, please note that the domain name must also be entered along with the user name, for example: gwdg\userid (for students of the University of Göttingen: ug-student\vor.nachname).
Unsere Hotline
Telefon: (0551) 39-21600
Herr Bohnet
Herr Rudolph