The following instruments may be used Open-Access:


Bruker av300
Location: base floor IOBC room -1.125
Modus: automation with autosampler (60 positions) and ICON-NMR (< 3 min day, > 3 min night)
Training: lab tutors, within research groups
short intro

Bruker av401 (after consultation)
Location: base floor IOBC room -1.120
Modus: automation with autosampler (16 positions) and ICON-NMR, backup for av300 & av402
Training: within research groups
short intro

Bruker av402 (after 12 pm)
Location: base floor IOBC room -1.120
Modus: automation with autosampler (60 positions) and ICON-NMR (< 3 min day, > 3 min night)
Training: within research groups
short intro

Hands-on Open-Access:

Bruker av400
Location: base floor IOBC room -1.126
Modus: manual hourly / over night / weekend (booking in GoeChem)
Training: F. Traeger
short intro

Further Information
- For sample preparation refer to Service Measurements.
- Except for av400 all instruments are fully accessible any time.
- Please leave the instrument clean and tidy.
- VT messungen have to be planned such that the following user may begin his/her slot at 25 °C sample temperature.
- Please report any damage immediately to the NMR staff, in case of problems do not hesitate to ask.
- The users are liable for any damage caused by improper use.
- In case of urgent maintenance work there is no claim for measurement time.
- Users who repeatedly do not adhere to these rules will be excluded from instrument use.

User Costs
The costs for each user are yearly calculated and billed exactly.
Allow for roughly the following spectra prices:
Short measurements up to ~5 min (1H, 19F, 31P): 0.5 EUR
Intermediate measurements up to ~30 min (13C, APT, COSY, NOESY, DOSY, HSQC, HMBC): 1 EUR
Long Measurements up to ~12 h (15N, 29Si, thin samples, VT and kinetic measurements): 2 EUR