Registration procedure


Please register for a course via e-mail listed in each course description.
We kindly ask you to always state which graduate school/program you belong to.

Allocation of course places

All PhD students of Göttingen Campus may participate. Members of the organizing entity enjoy preferential treatment ("first come, first serve"). All other applicants are enlisted in a waiting list. After the deadline (GSGG) or two weeks before the course starts (GGG), free places are allocated according to the waiting list.
Courses offered by the Transfer & Start Up Hub aim at PhD candidates and teaching newcomers and are not limited to members of one of the Graduate Schools.


The graduate schools actively work on improving the compatibility of family and qualification. Therefore, we support childcare in cooperation with the FamilienService of Göttingen University. Please ask your graduate school for options on childcare in order to enable your participation in the course.


Four weeks before the course starts, all course registrations are regarded as binding.

Organization of our workshops implies a great financial and organizational effort. We must be able to justify and represent these efforts and costs to their sponsors. We can only maintain the course offer if we can rely on the registered participants to show up.

For this reason, four weeks before the course starts, your registration is binding. Remaining free places will be allocated to interested PhD students on the waiting list. We can only accept a cancellation because of illness (with doctor´s certificate) or other serious reasons (which have to be discussed with the organizing graduate school). If you cancel your participation without a reason, you will be excluded from participating in other courses for one year.

Please fit your participation firmly in your general schedule. To reduce conflicts with other commitments (e.g. short-term work appointments), inform your supervisor or boss about your participation, if necessary.

Please note: You don’t need the agreement of your supervisor or boss to participate as well as you are not obliged to give information about the course’s content. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us in confidence.

Absence policy
To earn credits for a workshop/course, you must not miss more than 10% of total contact hours. In most cases, this will be less than a day. If it is inevitable that you miss more than a whole day, please notify us well in advance (at least one week).

Data protection
For easier organization and communication, we will pass on your contact details (name, e-mail address) and your faculty and graduate school - if known – to the course instructor. Please inform us if you do NOT want this!
All courses are evaluated by the organizing graduate school. Participation is voluntary. Each evaluation is carried out as a survey without direct personal reference. The evaluation results are sent to the respective course director afterwards.